How To Clean Your Chainsaw’s Air Filter – Fast, Simple, Cheap

A chainsaw’s air filter is one of the most critical parts of the chainsaw. Like any other type of power equipment, a chainsaw needs to breathe. The air must also be clean and free of debris that could damage the engine internally.

The air filter’s function is as precisely as its name implies: filter the air of dirt and particles that could harm the engine. Dirty air filters equal bad performance and can shorten the life of your chainsaw. Be sure that your chainsaw uses a clean air filter at all times.

Cleaning a chainsaw’s air filter can be done by:

  • Tapping the air filter on a hard surface to knock away dirt from filter
  • Using compressed air to blow away dirt from inside out of the filter
  • Washing with soap and water and allowing the filter to air dry

The Tap Method

The Tap Method of Cleaning Air Filter

The Tap Method is the easiest and quickest method that can be done without any tools or materials.

The process of the Tap Method is as simple as it sounds and is completed by:

  1. Remove the top engine cover of the chainsaw
  2. Remove the air filter from the chainsaw
  3. Grasp the air filter firmly and tap on a hard surface to knock the dirt from the air filter (do not use excessive force and damage your air filter)
  4. Reinstall the air filter back on the chainsaw
  5. Reinstall the top engine cover onto the chainsaw

The Compressed Air Method

The Compressed Air Method of Cleaning Air Filter

The Compressed Air Method is cleaning an air filter through compressed air.

The process of the Compressed Air Method involves the use of compressed air to blow dirt off of the air filter.

You can use compressed air from an air compressor with an air gun or a compressed air can with a nozzle straw.

The process of the Compressed Air Method is completed by:

  1. Remove the top engine cover of the chainsaw
  2. Remove the air filter from the chainsaw
  3. Grasp the air filter firmly and use compressed air to blow dirt away from the air filter from inside out. (use eye protection and always from the the inside of the air filter)
  4. Reinstall the air filter back on the chainsaw
  5. Reinstall the top engine cover onto the chainsaw

Be sure always to wear eye protection when doing the Compressed Air Method.

Never blow the air filter from the outside towards the inside. Cleaning the air filter from the outside inward pushes the dirt deeper, making it easier for the chainsaw to ingest the dirt.

When blowing out your air filter, ALWAYS CLEAN THE AIR FILTER FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Also, make sure you do not blow the filter so hard that you blow the filtering material or fleece out of the filter. If you do this, your filter will be useless and need to be thrown away and replaced. Just use common sense and not blow the filter so hard that you destroy it.

The Soap and Water Method

The Soap and Water Method of Cleaning Air Filter

The Soap and Water Method cleans the air filter through the use of soap and water.

The process of the Soap and Water Method involves the use of soap and water to wash dirt out of the air filter by hand.

The process of the Soap and Water Method is completed by:

  1. Remove the top engine cover of the chainsaw
  2. Remove the air filter from the chainsaw
  3. Place the air filter under running water, cover with soap and bring to lather.
  4. Rinse the dirt and soap away from the air filter from inside out. (repeat steps 3 and 4 if needed)
  5. Alow the air filter to air dry before reinstalling onto chainsaw.
  6. Reinstall the air filter back on the chainsaw (make sure the air filter is completly dry)
  7. Reinstall the top engine cover onto the chainsaw


I find that the best soap to use is one that removes oil and grease like Dawn Dishwashing Liquid.

Always make sure your air filter is 100% before reinstalling onto your chainsaw.

Common Air Filter Questions

Can I Wash My Stihl Chainsaw Air Filter?

Yes, you can wash your Stihl Chainsaw’s air filter with soap and water ONLY. Always allow your air filter to completely dry before reinstalling and using it on your chainsaw.

Never use any kind of flammable substance to clean your air filter.

Can You Clean and Reuse an Air Filter?

Yes, an air filter can be cleaned and reused multiple times if done properly.

Can You Clean An Air Filter With Alcohol?

NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. never clean an air filter with any kind of flammable substance like alcohol or carburetor cleaner. Using flammable substances poses a fire risk to your chainsaw and serious bodily injury to the chainsaws operator. NEVER CLEAN AN AIR FILTER WITH ANYTHING FLAMMABLE.

Soap and water are safe when washing out your filter, but allow your filter to dry 100% before using on your chainsaw.

Can You Run A Chainsaw Without an Air Filter?

No. Never operate your chainsaw without an air filter. Running a chainsaw without an air filter will quickly lead to internal engine damage that includes worn rings, scarred cylinder walls, and complete engine seizure.

The chainsaw will mechanically run without an air filter but it should never be done.

Wrapping Up

The air filter of a chainsaw is a critical part of the chainsaw that must remain clean for the chainsaw to function efficiently and at peak performance. When a chainsaw is used the air filter will naturally pick up dirt and debris and needs to be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis.

In most cases, the filter can be cleaned instead of being replaced.

The process of cleaning an air filter can be accomplished by:

  1. The Tap Method
  2. The Compressed Air Method
  3. The Soap and Water Method

Never use a flammable substance to clean your air filter.

In some cases, the air filter is too dirty to clean and will need to be replaced.

Never operate your chainsaw without an air filter.

I hope this post helps you with keeping your air filter clean and your chainsaw running its best.

Please be safe out there and happy cutting.

Steven R

I have been part of the chainsaw and outdoor power equipment business in one way or the other for over 35 years. There are not many things that I have not seen in the business. From repairs, sales, equipment operation, and safety I can help you with your questions.

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